- Medical School – University of Western Ontario – London, Ontario, Canada – MD
- Residency – British Columbia Children’s Hospital – Vancouver, BC, Canada – Pediatrics
- Fellowship – Children’s Hospital Boston – Pediatric Nephrology
Education & Training
NIH Grants: R01
Dr. Ho’s laboratory has demonstrated a crucial requirement for miRNAs in several lineages of the developing kidney, including nephron progenitors (which give rise to all the epithelial components of the nephron except the collecting duct), the renal stroma and podocytes (specialized epithelial cells that are essential in the glomerular filtration barrier). They have described the first miRNA cluster associated with renal developmental defects and kidney disease, the miR-17~92 cluster. More recently, Dr. Ho’s laboratory has begun evaluating the role of specific miRNAs in the setting of acute kidney injury and diabetic nephropathy. The laboratory has significant expertise in high-throughput transcriptional profiling, the bioinformatics analysis of mis-regulated signaling pathways, developmental biology, and transgenic mouse models. Dr. Ho is actively involved in teaching and research training of medical students, graduate students, residents, postdoctoral fellows and clinical fellows in pediatric nephrology. The laboratory strives to provide an optimal training environment for trainees to acquire the intellectual and technical skills required to establish an independent investigative career in genitourinary developmental biology and disease.
- Cerqueira DM, Hemker SL, Bodnar AJ, Ortiz DM, Oladipupo FO, Mukherjee E, Gong Z, Appolonia C, Muzumdar RH, Sims-Lucas S and Ho J. In utero exposure to maternal diabetes impairs nephron progenitor differentiation. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 2019 Sep 11;. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00204.2019. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID31509011.
- Phua YL, Chen KH, Hemker SL, Marrone AK, Bodnar AJ, Liu X, Clugston A, Kostka D, Butterworth MB and Ho J. Loss of miR-17~92 results in dysregulation of Cftr in nephron progenitors. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 2019 Mar 6. doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00450.2018. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID30838872.
- Phua YL, Clugston A, Chen KH, Kostka D, Ho J. Small non-coding RNA expression in mouse nephrogenic mesenchymal progenitors. Scientific data. 2018; 5:180218. PubMed [journal] PMID: 30422124, PMCID: PMC6233257
- Cerqueira DM, Bodnar AJ, Phua YL, Freer R, Hemker SL, Walensky LD, Hukriede NA, and Ho J. Bim gene dosage is critical in modulating nephron progenitor survival in the absence of microRNAs during kidney development. FASEB J, 2017 Aug; 31(8): 3540-3554. PMID28446592.
- Phua YL, Chu JYS, Marrone AK, Bodnar AJ, Sims-Lucas S, and Ho J. Renal stromal miRNAs are required for normal nephrogenesis and glomerular mesangial survival. Physiol Reports 2015 Oct;3(10); pii: e12537. doi: 10.14814/phy2.12537. PMID 26438731.